
Leaderboard Addon

OwnerKKasun Wathsara Hapangama

Download : https://ka0un.github.io/lbadddownload

Step By Step Guide

01. Install Dependencies

Download and Install PlaceholderAPI, ajLeaderboards, SimpleWebsite plugins by coping the plugin jars to plugins folder in your minecraft server.

02. Setup SimpleWebsite

Setup SimpleWebsite plugin. you can follow this guide.

03. Create AjLeaderboard

Create leaderboard in ajleaderboards plugin. you can follow this gude.

04. Edit leaderboard.html

Edit leaderboard.html ( or leaderboard-theme-1.html) and replace following things

Line No
116player_expreplace it with your ajlb board name (you can find that using /ajlb list)
117alltimereplace it with leaderboard type you want to display eg : alltime, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly
129localhost:8081replace this with your server ip and website port (port that used to SimpleWebsite) eg:

05. Copy your files to host

copy leaderboard.html to your webhost location (plugins/SimpleWebsite/public/default)

and restart reload the plugin using /sw reload command

You will be able to access vote website with yourwebsitelink/leaderboard link yourwebsitelink can be found with /website command

Hosting this website in SimpleWebsite plugin is optional. You can use any other webhost to do that. but SimpleWebsite plugin is required for the API. If you are using SimpleWebsite plugin just for API you can toggle ApiOnly : true in config.yml